If health would wear a tag, what would be the estimated value?
We grow up thinking that health comes by DEFAULT, that it’s a given not a privilege. If it doesn’t come with a price, we don’t value it. Just like cars, the more expensive they are, the more we proud ourselves with. I want to challenge you with a question: If health would wear a tag, what would be the estimated value, according to your assessment?
In my new project under the health & wellness industry, I often hear people saying “ uhz this is too expensive” and I am so puzzled that I want to ask you: according to who? to what? what do you compare it with? If you are not healthy you are stressed, you cannot work, you cannot provide for your needs, if you cannot provide for your needs, your life is practically hacked. So, let me ask you again, If health would wear a tag, what would be the estimated value?
Money doesn’t bring us happiness, HEALTH does! Another circle exercise on that: If you are healthy you are in perfect harmony with whatever comes, you are well prepared to handle any bottleneck and to produce the financial life you have always envisioned. Your energy flows differently, you allow your mind to be creative, you allow yourself to choose whatever is best for you and NOT whatever comes as a rescue option. So, let me ask you again, If health would wear a tag, what would be the estimated value?
We invest in technology, in houses, in shoes, gadgets, bags, things that MONEY CAN BUY. On the other hand we do not invest even 10% on what MONEY CAN’T BUY: we spend less time in the park, we spend less time in nature, we spend less time doing sports, we spend less time investing in our wellbeing in comparison to how much we actually work to PAY for the quantifiable things. Why is that? Because what you cannot rate as a price, you don’t consider it worthy enough. So, let me ask you again, If health would wear a tag, what would be the estimated value?
My answer is HEALTH IS THE NEW WEALTH, the new indicator of prosperity, the new RICH KID on the block, health is something you cannot trade, you cannot ship, you cannot refund, you cannot book or claim! ALL the rest, YOU CAN! So, why are we so damn cheap when it comes to our health?